The loss of a child before birth is a tragic, yet all too common reality of this broken world. Zelie’s Hope Miscarriage Ministry seeks to provide support and comfort to local Catholic families who have suffered miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. The Church encourages us to honor the lives of these little ones and entrust their eternal souls to our loving Father in Heaven.
St. Zelie Martin experienced the loss of 4 of her children between birth and 5 years old. In her letters after these losses, she shows us a faithful surrender and trust in God. She credits many graces to the intercession of her little children in Heaven.
When her beloved sister-in-law suffered the loss of her stillborn child, Zelie wrote, "The tragedy you've just suffered saddens me deeply. You are truly being tested. ... May God grant you resignation to His holy will. Your dear little baby is at His side. He sees you, he loves you, and you will see him again one day. That is a great consolation I've felt and still feel."
St. Zelie, pray for our grieving hearts!